TFF : Hormones
Cinta tidak seperti sekolah, tidak ada liburan atau musim panas. Namun liburan musim panas sekolah sebenarnya adalah hal yang paling ditunggu oleh semua remaja. Saat itulah hati mulai berdenyut dalam tempo cepat dan hormon menggelegak yang memaksa remaja untuk melakukan hal-hal gila, terutama ketika datang untuk saling mencintai. Dalam liburan musim panas ini, dua anak laki-laki sibuk mengejar seorang gadis dan berlomba untuk mendapatkan nomor teleponnya; anak lain sedang mempersiapkan kejutan untuk wanita yang ditaksirnya; seorang gadis muda sedang sibuk belajar bahasa Mandarin untuk mempersiapkan diri menonton konser bintang pop Taiwan favoritnya; dan anak laki-laki sedang berjuang untuk menahan godaan agar tetap setia pada cinta dalam hidupnya.
Love is not like school, there is no vacation or summer break. Yet the school's summer break is actually the time all teenagers are waiting for. That's when young hearts begin to throb in crazy tempo and the bubbling hormones compel teenagers to do crazy things, especially when it comes to love. In this summer break, two boys are busy chasing a girl and racing to get her phone number; another boy is preparing a surprise for his secret crush; a young girl is busy learning Chinese to prepare herself for the concert of her favorite Taiwanese pop-star; and a boy is fighting the temptation to remain loyal to the love of his life.
Directed by: Songyos Sugmakanan
Cast: Charlie Trairat, Sora Aoi, Chantawit Thanasewee
Duration: 126 min
Language: THAI
Subtitle: ENGLISH
Love is not like school, there is no vacation or summer break. Yet the school's summer break is actually the time all teenagers are waiting for. That's when young hearts begin to throb in crazy tempo and the bubbling hormones compel teenagers to do crazy things, especially when it comes to love. In this summer break, two boys are busy chasing a girl and racing to get her phone number; another boy is preparing a surprise for his secret crush; a young girl is busy learning Chinese to prepare herself for the concert of her favorite Taiwanese pop-star; and a boy is fighting the temptation to remain loyal to the love of his life.
Directed by: Songyos Sugmakanan
Cast: Charlie Trairat, Sora Aoi, Chantawit Thanasewee
Duration: 126 min
Language: THAI
Subtitle: ENGLISH