Suer dan Jib bekerja di bank yang sama di mana semua karyawan harus mengikuti aturan ketat yang melarang percintaan antara rekan kerja. Namun Suer dan Jib telah terlanjur menjalin hubungan diam-diam selama 5 tahun. Ketika mereka menyadari bahwa rahasia mereka mulai diketahui dan terancam pemecatan, Suer mengusulkan pernikahan dan meyakinkan Jib untuk mengundurkan diri dari bank. Keadaan menjadi kacau ketika Jib menolak untuk berhenti dan masalah terus terjadi seakan menguji cinta mereka.
Suer and Jib are working in the same bank where the employees must acknowledge a strict rule: romance between colleagues is prohibited. Despite the rule that can get them fired, Suer and Jib have been in a relationship secretly for 5 years. When they realize that their secret starts to be insecure and could be exposed, Suer decides to propose marriage and convinces Jib to resign from the bank. Things turn upside-down when Jib refuses to quit her job and troubles keep happening to test both of them.
Directed by: Mez Tharatorn
Cast: Chantawich Tanasewi, Preechaya Pongthananikorn, Thawat Pornrattanaprasert, Pongsatorn Jongwilas
Duration: 110 min
Language: THAI
Subtitle: ENGLISH
Suer and Jib are working in the same bank where the employees must acknowledge a strict rule: romance between colleagues is prohibited. Despite the rule that can get them fired, Suer and Jib have been in a relationship secretly for 5 years. When they realize that their secret starts to be insecure and could be exposed, Suer decides to propose marriage and convinces Jib to resign from the bank. Things turn upside-down when Jib refuses to quit her job and troubles keep happening to test both of them.
Directed by: Mez Tharatorn
Cast: Chantawich Tanasewi, Preechaya Pongthananikorn, Thawat Pornrattanaprasert, Pongsatorn Jongwilas
Duration: 110 min
Language: THAI
Subtitle: ENGLISH