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The Couple

Pasangan muda Karn dan Aom akan membangun keluarga kecil mereka. Tetapi diawal kehidupan mereka berubah mencekam ketika Aom menemukan tubuh Sita,adik Karn, telah meninggal dirumahnya. Setelah hari itu,Aom merasa ada yang aneh pada dirinya jika tubuhnya dikendalikan Sita sehingga membuat bingung Korn adik termuda Karn dan Suami Sita. Sita membuat terror dan ketakutan Aom serta Karn. Sehingga mereka mencoba melawan Sita dan membawanya kembali kedunianya

Karn and Aom are the young couple who will build a small family together. But they're life start to change when Aom see Sita, sister of Karn, found dead in her house. After that day, Aom feels strange with her body. She feels that her body being controled by Sita. The ghost of Sita createing a terror for Aom and Sita, and also Korn, the yougest brother of Karn. Together, they're fought Sita back in her real world.

Directed by: Talent1 Team
Cast: Pichaya Nithipaisarnsakul, Sushar Mana-ying, Waranchaya Jindarakwong, Sattaphong Phiangphor
Duration: 96 min
Language: THAI
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