A Werewolf Boy
Di sebuah desa bertahun-tahun lalu tersimpan sebuah cerita tentang seorang wanita yang dengan penuh kasih merawat seorang manusia serigala. Jauh dari peradaban, manusia serigala ini diajari cara berbicara, menggunakan pakaian, cara menyantap makanan yang sopan, dan untuk pertama kalinya dia merasakan cinta. Namun karena merasa terancam, ia pun membela diri, dan kejadian ini menakutkan untuk warga desa sekitar. Setelah tahun berlalu, wanita ini kembali ke desa tersebut dan mencari tahu keberadaan sang manusia serigala.
An elderly woman visits a cottage the way she used to when she was a young girl. She remembers a boy she knew half a century before. Moving to a peaceful village when she was a girl she discovered a “wolf boy,” hiding his large, contorted body in the darkness. She recalls teaching the boy how to wait patiently before a meal, how to wear clothes, how to speak, how to write and other human behaviors so that he could one day live like a normal man and fall in love. However when threatened, he let loose his bestial instincts and became the subject of the villagers’ fears. In order to save the life of the boy who risked his to be by her side, she left him with a promise: "Wait for me. I’ll come back for you"
Directed by: Jo Sung-hee
Cast: Song Joong-ki, Park Bo-young, Lee Young-lan, Jang Young-nam
Duration: 122 min
Language: KOREAN
An elderly woman visits a cottage the way she used to when she was a young girl. She remembers a boy she knew half a century before. Moving to a peaceful village when she was a girl she discovered a “wolf boy,” hiding his large, contorted body in the darkness. She recalls teaching the boy how to wait patiently before a meal, how to wear clothes, how to speak, how to write and other human behaviors so that he could one day live like a normal man and fall in love. However when threatened, he let loose his bestial instincts and became the subject of the villagers’ fears. In order to save the life of the boy who risked his to be by her side, she left him with a promise: "Wait for me. I’ll come back for you"
Directed by: Jo Sung-hee
Cast: Song Joong-ki, Park Bo-young, Lee Young-lan, Jang Young-nam
Duration: 122 min
Language: KOREAN